Showing posts with label primaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label primaries. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2012

Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching on to Theocracy

When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” 

 Sinclair Lewis, American Writer (1885-1951)

Many years ago, when I was young police reporter, a cop friend of mine told me: “Never trust a man who wears his patriotism or his religion on his sleeve,” he said. “They’re hiding something.”

I took that advice to heart, and found it never to be wrong. The self-righteous hypocrisy of today’s flag-waving, Bible-thumping right-wing only reinforces my belief in my friend’s advice. All that preaching and pontificating is hiding something, something dark and terrible, something they don’t want you to know.

We’ve seen it before. In the 1930s, Father Charles Coughlin, a Roman Catholic priest and one of the first religious broadcasters, used his cloak of religion to preach an anti-Semitic and pro-fascist theology. Coughlin closely associated himself with the Christian Front, one of many “cross and flag” organizations that wrapped their theology of anti-communism, anti-Semitism and pro-Nazism in the American flag and the Bible. We’d all be seig-heiling today if this country knelt before Coughlin’s alter.

Rick Santorum, running for the Republican presidential nomination, is doing his best to fit into Coughlin’s cassock. His recent rant that President Barrack Obama follows a “phony theology,” not only echoes Father Coughlin’s dogma but also that of the “birthers” bigotry. Moreover, his recently uncovered 2008 speech in which he claimed Satan was attacking the United States shrieks the same rhetoric espoused by Al Qaida and the Taliban.  

Disgraced House Speaker and outed philanderer Newt Gingrich has been marching down that same path of self-righteousness, using his born-again Catholic conversion to claim President Obama is waging a war on religion. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, wears his Mormon religion like his sacred underwear. He doesn’t show it, but you know it’s there.

When attacking the president’s religion or what they perceive as his anti-religion policies is not enough, the candidates and their cohorts attack each other’s religion. In his 2008 speech, Santorum, a Catholic, said Protestantism is “gone from the world of Christianity.” On the other hand, right-wing Protestant evangelicals call Catholicism a cult. Neither side has much nice to say about Mormons ... or Jews. 

 Is this where we’re going in this country? Are the Catholics and Protestants and Mormons and whoever else going to line up against each other like the Sunnis and Shiites of the Muslim religion? Is that what we want in this country—sectarian warfare? 

These Taliban Christians who blot the airways with their venal pontification are obsessed with sin, both doing it and being forgiven for it. Their idea of Christianity is simply accepting Jesus Christ as your savior and your sins will be absolved. They don’t see the fault of that philosophy; that if all you need for salvation is to “accept” Christ, you can do anything you want—steal, murder, pillage, it will all be forgiven.

Because Santorum has accepted Christ into his heart, is he to be forgiven for being a corporate shill when he was senator and afterward? God may have forgiven Gingrich for his past indiscretions as a wife-cheater and corrupt politician, but what about his more recent sins as a lobbyist for corrupt corporations and as a race-baiter in the primaries?

Should Romney be forgiven for his vulture capitalism, wantonly destroying American companies and the lives of their laid-off workers, all in search of profit? Are the Virginia state legislators who voted to punish women seeking an abortion by forcibly raping them with sonogram probes to be forgiven? 

Christ’s gospel was all about a loving and forgiving God. He preached love, forgiveness, tolerance and charity. He trod a path others were suppose the follow—helping the poor, the sick, the downtrodden—things the right-wing seems to consider un-American. Preaching a self-righteous gospel of hate, greed and intolerance doesn’t make you a Christian. If anything, it makes you an Anti-Christ. 

Our Founding Fathers were very bright. Far from a group of “white Christian men” who founded this country for “white Christian men,” as the right-wing contends, our Founding Fathers were a diverse collection of nationalities, races and religions—Protestants, Catholics and, yes, Jews. Most, such as Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, were deists, believing in a Supreme Being, admiring Jesus Christ as a philosopher, but wary of the church’s influence. 

Our Founding Fathers were wary because the age of theocratic monarchies was not ancient history to them as it is to us. They lived it as subjects of King George III. When they declared independence for England, they were declaring independence from a theocracy in which the king derived his right to rule from God and the church. 

It was with this in mind that they wrote the First Amendment. It not only promised Americans the right to believe as they wished, it was also a promise to keep religion out of government, to keep religion from being a requisite for patriotism. They knew a government ruled by any one religion would lead to intolerance, and intolerance would lead to suppression, and suppression would lead to some form of authoritarian government. They were right.

My cop friend understood that. So did Sinclair Lewis. I sincerely hope American voters do as well.