In 1935, American novelist and playwright Sinclair Lewis
published a novel he meant to be a cautionary tale about the rise of an
authoritarian government in the United States. But when read in today's
political climate, the book seems less a work of fiction than a prescient
foreboding of what was to come.
The basic plot
of It Can't Happen Here involves a pompous, blustering,
populist politician who gets elected president running on a platform that
is anti-woman, anti-Jew, and anti-black, by making promises he can never
deliver on, by accusing the news media of spreading lies, and by proclaiming
only he can cure the country's ills and "make it great again." Once he takes
office, he begins issuing orders that by-pass the law-making powers of Congress
and the legal review of the judiciary, and strips the rights of millions of
What sounds like a plot
torn from today's headlines was actually written 80 years before the election
of Donald Trump to the White House.
Sinclair's bitingly witty
story holds so many parallels to the results of the 2016 election and its
aftermath as to be unnerving. Written at a time when fascist governments were
popping up throughout Europe, the book was inspired by the naïve belief of
Americans at the time that what was happening across the Atlantic "can't
happen here."
"Buzz" Windrip is a populist U.S. senator loosely based on the
bombastic southern Senator Huey Long, whose quest for the presidency was ended
by an assassin's bullet in 1935. Windrip curries the favor of Americans
disgruntled over the economic blight of the Great Depression by claiming he
would end unemployment, much as Trump promised to "bring jobs back"
to America.
Men of Little Intellectual Curiosity
A man of little
intellectual curiosity, Windrip claims his autobiography is the world's
greatest book next to the Bible, the same claim made by an equally incurious
Trump about his ghostwritten autobiography The Art of the Deal.
Windrips' political base is a rag-tag group of agitators called The Minute Men,
or MMs for short. Think of the MMs as a combination of the Tea Party radicals
and Alt-Right white supremacists who helped put Trump into office.
Windrip runs for office, much as Trump did, with promises of taking power in Washington
away from industrialists and bankers and giving it back to the little man. Once
in power, however, Windrip begins appointing incompetent cronies to key
government leadership roles.
Sound familiar? Trump,
who promised to "drain the swamp" in Washington, filled his
Cabinet with controversial D.C. insiders, family members, wealthy financiers, corporate
CEOs, and lobbyists—most of whom were appointed to their offices without approval from Congress.
Almost immediately,
Windrip by-passes Congress and begins issuing executive orders ending President Franklin
Roosevelt's New Deal social programs, stripping women of the right to vote, and
Jews and blacks of their civil rights. He replaces key military leaders with
buffoons from the Minutemen, and abolishes all regulations on businesses.
In the first few days of
his administration, Trump used executive orders to strip regulations on banks, industry, and
polluters; demanded the repeal of President Obama's Affordable Care Act;
ordered the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants (at least those who are
non-Anglo); began caging Hispanic immigrant children, and removed the nation's
top military and national security leaders from the National Security Council,
replacing them with his Alt-Right strategist, Steve Bannon. Bannon, a
self-professed white nationalist, didn't last long, of course, and as of this
writing he is facing federal criminal charges for fraud.
To consolidate power,
Windrip sends handpicked "commissioners" to assume the leadership of
local governments. The move is very similar to the Nazis use of gauleiters
to take control of areas of Germany. Trump hasn't done that—yet—but several
Republican governors have dispatched "emergency managers" to take
over local government bodies in their states. (Two such emergency managers were charged with felonies for their roles in the Flint, Michigan drinking
water fiasco.)
Windrip fails to make
good on any of his campaign promises save one; he ends unemployment by sending
the unemployed to labor camps. Workers from labor camps are provided to
companies for a small fee. This, of course, means those companies lay off regular workers who, now unemployed, are sent to labor camps.
As one of his first acts,
Trump rescinded President Obama's executive order to withdraw federal prisoners
from privately operated prisons, which have been criticized for bolstering
their profits by outsourcing inmates as prison laborers.
Building Walls to Keep Us In
Windrip fulfills one of
Trump's campaign promises when he strengthens border security to prevent
illegal immigration out of the United States into Canada and Mexico. Walls,
after all, keep people in as well as out. Trump has not succeeded in building his promised border wall, but his incompetence during the Covid-19 crisis forced the bulk of Europe to ban U.S. travelers from visiting their countries—essentially building a wall to keep us in. The only wall Trump succeeded in building so far is an "unscalable" wall around the White House grounds.
Eventually, as Windrip
consolidates his power, he does away with all political parties except the new
Corporatist Party, whose members are called Corpos. The country is now ruled by
and for corporations and wealthy oligarchs, the very definition of fascism as
defined by the father of fascism, Italy's Il Duce, Benito Mussolini.
Trump stuffed his Cabinet
with wealthy and mostly incompetent corporate donors. His economic policies
have benefited major corporations at the expense of American workers. His trade
war with China did nothing to hurt that country while devastating a large part
of the American agricultural sector. Even before the pandemic, Trump's job
numbers were plunging despite burgeoning corporate profits.
Lewis narrates his story
through the disbelieving eyes of Doremus Jessup, a middle-aged newspaperman who cannot believe his fellow citizens don't see the slow creep of growing
totalitarianism in the country. When MMs begin to terrorize the citizenry,
people assume they are just a small minority of rabble-rousers. Even when
Windrip establishes concentration camps to house his enemies, many in the
country simply cannot believe the United States is falling victim to corporate
fascism. They continue to believe "it can't happen here." By the time
they realize it has happened here, it is too late.
Trump has praised white
supremacists, neo-Nazis, and QAnon conspiracy theorists. He ordered federal
police and troops to attack peaceful demonstrators so he could be photographed
holding a Bible outside a Washington church. His followers have attacked
synagogues and mosques, and gunned down cops. Federal agents clad in unmarked
military uniforms kidnapped peaceful protesters in Portland, Ore., threw them
into unmarked vehicles, and held them without just cause. Alt-Right armed militia are being allowed to patrol American streets. One of those "minutemen," a 17-year-old teenager with an illegal weapons, is now accused of murdering two people.
And still too many
Americans refuse to see this country's slide into authoritarianism. They
still believe "it can't happen here."
Lewis's inspiration for
this book was simply the time in which it was written. In the 1930s, the United
States was still recovering from the Great Depression. Ninety percent of the
country's wealth was owned by only three percent of the population. (Today,
after 30 years of Reaganomics, only one percent of Americans own the bulk of the
nation's wealth).
Dissatisfaction over the
slow economic recovery spawned several populist movements, many of them
pro-fascist. In 1932, a group of wealthy conservatives attempted a coup to
overthrow the government and establish a fascist government. (See: American Fascists: A Forgotten History on this blog.)
Lewis doesn't
spare any political movement in this book. He views any strongly held belief system,
political or religious, as potentially authoritarian. All it takes is a
populace too wrapped up in their own lives to not recognize what's happening
about them, or not caring what's happening as long as it doesn't happen to
There is no happy ending
to this book. There is no great uprising of patriots; many of those who most
loudly proclaimed their patriotism in the beginning of the book end up in the MMs
or working for Windrip, just as the Republican Party—which initially opposed Trump's candidacy—is now his greatest enabler.
Far more than
Orwell's 1984 or Huxley's Brave New World, It Can't Happen
Here is a cautionary tale all Americans should be reading—and